Jason of Meet Me At The Gates Interview

1. For those who don’t know you, can you state your name and your role in the band?
My name is Jason and I play guitar in Meet Me At The Gates.

2. If your band were to be trapped in a horror movie, what would each member’s role be and who in the band would make it to the sequel?
Haha that’s a tough one. We’re a bunch of fools so regardless of what role we have none of us would ever survive.

3. Using 3 words, how would you describe your music?
I would say our music is heavy, energetic, but also dynamic.

4. You recently released your music video for your song “Life In Two,” how has the response been so far?
The people who have seen the music video have loved it. Of course there is going to be people who dislike it, but that’s what is so great about music. You can like or not like anything you want and that’s okay. But for our video, the response has largely been extremely positive.

5. Is there a certain idea or message behind the song or video that you hope listeners take away?
We wanted somewhat of an underlying theme that without the bad times in your life, the good isn’t nearly as perfect as people like to think. There needs to be a perfect balance between both good and bad, otherwise life isn’t nearly as special. The other theme we sorta put into the whole EP is that not only is it important to realize that your struggles and good times in life make it what it is, but also that no one is ever alone when dealing with hardship. There’s always someone somewhere out there that has dealt with something similar, if not the same thing you have. Either way, there’s always hope, and life is extremely precious, so you don’t want to take it for granted.

unnamed6. In addition to the music video, your self-produced EP Life In Two is due out Nov. 11, what should people expect when they hear it for the first time?
Considering that this EP encompasses the last two years of the band, people should expect lyrics that relate to pretty much everyone, because what’s put into the lyrics is all based on our life experiences in and out of this band, so it’s very personal. On another note, people can expect to hear a delicate and exciting balance between orchestra and heavy instrumentals, as well as a nice blend of impactful screaming and soaring singing, that when all mixed together will raise the hair on your arms.

7. If you had to choose one song off of the EP to show to someone who is checking out your band for the first time, which song would you pick? Why?
I would definitely choose “LIT.” It’s the song that the current members of the band all worked on the most, so it sets the stage a little bit for what’s to come in the not so far future. That and I personally love that song because of how dynamic it is. You have heavy parts, you have singing parts, and you have a beautiful string and piano arrangement that our drummer and I carefully worked together on. In my eyes it’s my own personal masterpiece, but I’m sure we’ll top it shortly, if we haven’t already haha.

8. Was there a moment while filming the music video or writing/recording the EP that stands out to you the most as memorable or your favorite?
There was this one shot we were doing for the video down by this creek and unfortunately it didn’t end up in the video, but our singer, Derek was underneath one of those sheets seen in the video and had to go pretty bad, so he just turned away from the camera and pissed in the creek haha. Besides that, it’s definitely the time we got to spend with each other. I flew out to New Jersey for 3 days for the shoot, and met our drummer, Joey, and Derek for the first time ever, and it was like we’d known each other our whole lives. We had all talked about this since even before Derek joined back in February, and it was finally happening. Definitely a wild and crazy ride this band has been on in the last year or so.

9. Is there anything else that you would like to say about the video or the EP that you have not yet said?
It’s not necessarily about the EP itself, but about the band’s future. This EP is our starting block. We started writing it two years ago, so the material was written by people two years younger than they are now, and a lot can change in two years. Skills can evolve, voices can change, and members can be different. So we love this EP, and are definitely more than proud of it and the things we accomplished in the process, but the Life in Two EP is a small part of a big plan for MMATG. 😀

10. Thank you for doing this interview! Before we go, is there anything that you would like to say to the people reading this?
Absolutely! Thankful that I was able to do this! The one thing I want to say to the people reading this, is THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you all so much your undying support for a fairly new band. We owe it to you for everything we’re able to do, and look forward to being able to do much, much more. With that said, we hope we see you, and of course some fresh faces along the way. Our fans are family to us. As cookie cutter as that sounds, it’s the truth. There’s no feeling like people connecting to and resonating to something you and your brothers from different mothers worked your asses off on for so long. It’s incredible. So again, thank you all so much, and we can’t wait to drop this EP on you, with a full length LP coming within the next year and a half or so.

P.S. Life in Two EP comes out November 11th! Be sure to pick it up and spread it like a the plague. But a good plague. Not a bad one. Obviously. haha

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